Unlocking impact, healing and growth in sisterhood

My group work is explicitly designed to create community via in-person experiences that help us go deeper and higher together. 

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Group Experiences for Entrepreneurs & Executives

Group retreats and masterminds to immerse yourself into experience with others


Multi-day bespoke retreats in Big Sur, California

Send Me Sample Retreat Details
This is for you if:

• You’re in need of a total reset, maybe you’re burning out, maybe you’ve got big changes afoot in your personal and professional life, or maybe you’ve lost touch with your inner compass and it’s time to come home.

• You’re in need of a big dose of expansive grounding energy: deep immersion in nature, waking up to sunrise over the ocean, reconnection to your body, deep soulful conversations by the fire, and three days of nourishing home-cooked meals.

• You’re contemplating a big change - a sale, a merger, a pivot, a divorce, stepping down as CEO - and you need to give yourself a spacious break from your day-to-day to feel into your high dream and work through the implications for you, your team, your family, and the world at large… and if your big change is personal rather than professional, we can design an experience to hold space for that too.

• And, this is also for you if your vision of a well-lived life includes once-in-a-lifetime experiences that will gently and powerfully stretch and grow you in a pinch-me beautiful setting.

The experience:

We begin with a free one-hour consultation where I learn about you, where you are now, and where - and who - you want to be in the next three years. I then create a tailored experience, crafted to what you most need.

You'll leave with:

• Fresh perspectives on yourself and the big questions in your business and life right now
• A clearer mind and a calmer nervous system
• Depending on your goals for our time together, you may also leave with a three-year vision for you and your business, Business and Comms Strategies, and a Personal development plan

Additional options:

This retreat experience can be tailored for groups of cofounders, founder peers on similar journeys, and executive teams of up to 5 or 6 people.

Send Me Sample Retreat Details

Monthly Mastermind

I work with phenomenal women up to the best kind of magic and mischief in the world and I love nothing more than connecting them to each other.

So in addition to 1:1 support, I’m launching what folks call “a mastermind”.

This is your chance to connect with your out-of-the-matrix sisters and grow together.

We’ll do quarterly planning and visioning together, learn from some of the most inspiring guides and teachers I know and support each other as we take big, bold steps (and delicious restorative pauses) and we orient towards our wildest dreams.

“Katharine routinely curates unforgettable gatherings of women - diverse backgrounds, soulful conversations, sparks flying all over the place.” 

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